"I immediately related to Milo because I felt the same way. It became my favorite book..."

New comment from someone whose life was changed by The Phantom Tollbooth - LOVE these stories: "I just read the article on CNN about the documentary and I'm very excited. I read The Phantom Tollbooth for the first time in 1985. I was ten years old. My family had recently moved from the United States to Europe. I was a new kid attending a new school in a foreign land. My teacher recognized my fondness for reading Roald Dahl and recommended that I read The Phantom Tollbooth. I immediately related to Milo because I felt the same way. It became my favorite book and to this day remains my favorite. In 2008 I welcomed my son to this world and promptly named him Milo."

Just follow that line forever ... and when you reach the end, turn left

Daily Quote: "Just follow that line forever," said the Mathemagician, "and when you reach the end, turn left. There you'll find the land of Infinity, where the tallest, the shortest, the biggest, the smallest, and the most and the least of everything are kept."

"I really don't have that much time," said Milo anxiously. "Isn't there a quicker way?"

"Well, you might try this flight of stairs," he suggested, opening another door and pointing up. "It goes there, too."

I'm from a place very far away called Context...

Daily Quote: "Is everyone who lives in Ignorance like you?" asked Milo.

"Much worse," he said longingly. "But I don't live here. I'm from a place very far away called Context."

"Don't you think you should be getting back?" suggested the bug, holding one arm up in front of him.

"What a horrible thought." The bird shuddered. "It's such an unpleasant place that I spend almost all my time out of it. Besides, what could be nicer than these grimy mountains?"

Norton Juster Interview - The Daily

On the road againOn the 50th anniversary of ‘The Phantom Tollbooth,’ Norton Juster talks about kids, history and hope.

If you ask Norton Juster, the hallmark of a literary career is a childhood spent in boredom. After all, Charlotte Brontë and her sisters grew up in an isolated Yorkshire parish house. Robert Louis Stevenson spent much of his youth as a virtual shut-in.

As for Juster himself? “I grew up before television, no computers, no little machines to do things for us,” the 82-year-old author of “The Phantom Tollbooth” told an audience at New York City’s BookFest last week who had gathered to celebrate the book’s 50th year in print. “It was a more privileged time,” he said, deadpan. “It forced me to use my imagination.”

indieWIRE article on the documentary

Will You See This Movie? | Documentary Examines “The Phantom Tollbooth” After 50 Years

Will You See This Movie? | Documentary Examines “The Phantom Tollbooth” After 50 Years

Hannah Jayanti isn’t the only one to be affected by Norton Juster’s children’s adventure novel “The Phantom Tollbooth” (with illustrations by Jules Feiffer), but she is the only one on Kickstarter raising money for a film that will celebrate the book’s legacy.

Highlights from your responses and stories!

"Thank you for this.  Truly.  My days & nights have been made." "I just have to say, I think what you are doing really does matter. When I was growing up my mom read me a chapter a night of this book, and they at some of my fondest memories. Aspects of this book make up my childhood, and some day they will do the same for my own children. I cannot wait to see the finished documentary, and I genuinely want to thank you for doing this."

"I am so in awe of your project and it put me over the moon to be able to contribute. Thank YOU."

"So wonderful to "meet" the gentlemen behind the creation of The Phantom Tolbooth. Thank you SO much; I feel honored and delighted to be reminded of one of my MOST favorite books of all time.  Truly I have read this book over and over. And my children have carried on the tradition. I am 51, my children are 21, 19, and 16."

"I just became a backer on Kickstarter - I wanted to say that I am very excited about the project.  I have been a HUGE fan of Phantom Tollbooth since childhood (so much so that I mapped out the entire book, characters, etc. many years ago as a personal project)."